Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A better explanation of what this blog is.

Everyday we are bombarded with bad news, negative vibrations non-stop. An incessant shower of ice cold water thrown at us everyday to keep us in a low vibrational place, to keep us locked in this cage of fear.

Watch the news and you will hear the low frequency words, accompanied by pictures of destruction, carnage and suffering.Everywhere you go you feel this fog of  disquiet, this mist of unease, the symptoms of a diseased planet.

After watching the news on T.V. you don't feel good, do you ? A funny feeling of agitation, slight aggression even; somehow you don't feel right. So strange to hear all those  well spoken voices talk of such horrors in such calm voices.It almost seems unreal, which of course it is.

Imagine a T.V. channel that never shows bad news, but only churns out uplifting, positive- plus programmes that make you feel good.

Well, it's arrived! Or rather, the nearest thing to it !

A channel to counter the off -key dirge that is like sulfur from an ever erupting volcano.

A channel that lifts you up; makes you actually feel good about yourself, your life, your family , your future and the future of mankind.
 A channel  that has no negative stuff at all , but only good, positive words and pictures.

It is awesome!

It is revolutionary  !

As far as I know it has never been done before.

A channel that has videos from:

Ekhart Tolle
John Lennon
Bob Marley
Alan W. Watts
Jim Carey
Dalai Lama
Bill Hicks
John Lennon
The Beatles
David Icke
Rowan AtkinsonSteiner
Celtic Music
Reiki Healing and this is just to name a few. There are hundreds of videos.

There are videos of uplifting songs, inspirational words, beautiful scenic views of our wonderful planet. Videos of dancing, flute playing, films of stunning views of other planets and outer space, and more.

The only golden rule is that there is no negativity at all. Every single video has been carefully chosen  for its positive take on life.

It is exactly what the World is crying out for now.

You click on the first video, sit back and relax, and it automatically goes on to play the second video, then on to the third video and so on. Think how this will effect you as you  are given positive vibes all  the time ?

You can have it on  as background ,filling your mind with positive thoughts, as you do your chores, without having to keep clicking your mouse as it plays for hours and hours.There are over 200 hours of videos.
Or, if you have people over for the evening, you can have it on , in the background, filling your room and your hearts with uplifting, positive feelings

Do check it out on http://buddhaytv.blogspot.gr/  or You Tube.Ashvill1983's channel

It is Ashvill's new channel and it is called: Buddha You T.V.

Fly above the negative dark thunder clouds , and soar through the beautiful sky.This channel will show you how to do this.

It really is a gale of fresh air !

Postcript.I understand that some people are having trouble finding Buddha You T.V. This is probably because it is so new.However, it can be found if you go to You Tube and write Mike Selley Songs. When the page appears of my songs, look at the top right -hand corner. Here you will see the name Ashville, and next to this is an icon. Simply click on this icon and you will find Buddha You T.V.

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