Monday, September 3, 2012

A little meditation

I am  going to an island for a bit so i wont be posting much please check my Buddha tv's and explore my blog .We all need to gather what we learned and use it on the outside world so i have to go out and see nature.I hope there is enough material to keep you i shall be back soon.

Buddha TV playlist 1 has 199 gathered videos and playlist 2 has over 180 so far enjoy and embrace .it does give a optimistic alpha stage as it has to me .

I  have been passive watching it these day"s and i personally love it .

Do not feel shy share comment and put a video if you feel its part of the idea in this blog that's very open as you will see if you have watched the videos ,enjoy love and unite with you and all .

Namaste  as in Greek means here we are :)

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