Sunday, September 2, 2012

Alpha waves binaural sounds and brainwashing.

I'm not a professional writer to the least and this site is a general combination of anything optimistic i can find whatever that is .
I have been checking binaural sounds these days and im quite impressed with the subject .
From personal experience i have felt different when hearing them.
Now the starting point of getting better as a human being is will.
Wanting to get better is the start and then trying to.If some things don't seem to work you re continuous effort will achieve it cause you want it.
You might ask yourself do i really want it?Well by trying you will prove that physical and mind combination is the way to do anything .
I had a headache yesterday and i put a binaural beat for headaches closed my eyes and after 30 minutes i swear the pain went away .
Now did it work or does it work for all ?no idea ?
Did it work cause i believed it might? probably.Did i loose something by trying?no.Do the means matter when the action is obtained no .The purpose is for you obtaining what you want.Because you me on that one why ask questions and deny the absolute fact of obtainig it.Whatever that is .
I put a video  with binaural and affirmations just to give the general idea on what it is.

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