Friday, September 7, 2012

Wake up

Wake up and smell the coffee i mean truly smell it.Listen to you're body its talking to you all the time.
Life gives, its oranges fall down its water flows down the stream life doesn't cost nothing.
Wake up ,step up wake up feel alive be alive or parish and stay blind.One life is this!so waste inst on the list.
Waste is done old and time for new to come ,change is now we are every one unity.
We tried once before now its time to win this war by not fighting any more.
Let go! move forward ,stop sitting in the comfort prison.If you feel free there is nothing else you want  to see.
The king is dead you are dead long live the king awaken my friend a true being.
No more lies ,surface is to shallow dive and find oh so much more.come on! lets see how deep the sea will take us.
Like pure water pure mind will know what to find,its all true when you're connected with you.
No more fear based decisions just know movements as one with no regrets it all makes sense when you are truly under the sun.
Clear water like wind needed and pure its life its a bliss nothing that anyone should ever miss.Every second of every days its been here its here to stay.So don't push it away.Now find how it is to be left behind with no mind there is no behind just the right frame of mind .
Fake is what you make real is what you are.
History true history of humans is back in our soul not the books but the connection part of this life like a color is part of a picture feel it in me in you ,for once just be.Don't think at all for a second wake up or you will fall.
Love is everywhere every soul you connect is there if you dare.Love unity peace equals free.So simple to see screaming to tell every other you in me.
Look around your room . Look no thinking no doom just Look ,feel ,breath and listen to the sounds rise above the water its time to breath.

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