Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A stop to the question why?

Beyond what can be me is what seems and feels free.
Were are you i have been looking for you?
You seem to be in me! 
So simple when i find you hide and seek! by the time we met i counted to 29.
Finding you was a scare, a dare and made me even pull my hair .But...
When i caught up and looked around i felt that all my life i was like a hibernating bear.
Someone else, a person in slumber, a sleep state that now feels like nothing but a mistake.
Now stay !
Dont go away for its you that makes me pray everyday.
Everything will be ok.
you say.
Now is the time to speak ,now is the time to see the real treat!
Now is every minute.Under the sun as we become one!Into the future and the past! 
Since it was always a  journey of nothing but fun!
Can you see ?That you are me and we are free can you see! Nothing else but unity ?
Every you is equal to every tree,every animal,every bit of an undying sea,we are and always been truly free!
Now Wake up and smell the air you will for once understand what its like to truly not care!
Being here is a bliss! 
Its something you don't wanna miss, its you're first kiss.
Brake the chain ,no more mist ,all is see now is everything you always felt you might miss.

Take a breath and look,its air and you are out of the hook,feel and taste all that is in this life with grace.
Combine and open the wine of you're mind .
You might be suprized on what you will find.
All elements combined .A new way a new element.
A 3rd eye.
A stop to the question why?

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