Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More good vibes now!

If only we are awaken.So many messages on a change and yes,there is a change. Although there is a split of emotions with the word change.Are we gonna get better or are we gonna get worse staying the same.
This is a unique few years i see it everywhere i feel it everywhere.for a start its a time of truth and from what i see its not very nice truth.I hear of greed and separations,pain is more in our face and somehow we are neglecting to look at our fellow people ,so into ourselves that you could be in your room or at the beach and you would see no change.
We need beauty all around us we need beauty in our soul.Easily said then done easier done then said.
I was hearing the Beatles (on our way home) i wish i was on my way home whatever that means ,home is were the heart is they say.Well were the f is that then?
I love life and everything in it but (the word that erases the previous sentence)I have a felling im not in the right place  ,great felling when you don't even understand were is that right place ,and is there ever gonna be that felling of a right place.One thing i can say with full confidence nature does make you ,more in the right place but to live there ,if you're not already is something that anyone should test and then make his choice.To be happy is really everything true happy,i wonder if this question goes around.?
I heard we found love in a holy place by Lindsey Stirling and wow if you see the video (i put in Buddha tv part 2)its so optimistic comparing to we found love in a hopeless place by the famous Rihanna.I don't understand why rihanna dint say holy place and chose  a word and video that supports hopelessness.
Most video's do that in my opinion they support partying (mostly getting drunk) half naked women and giving the idea of that what life is all about,not to mention that they are usually very wealthy .
That is not the only message artists should give.They say art is the message of our times.Well if you look at top ten then our time seems rather stupid.
start realizing that people want good vibes human vibes let that become fashion.Give a song on unity,love,compassion.

Grow into a tree and you might actually see.
You are upside down
but now true
part of me
what was always you.
See space look up and feel unity.
Every rock every wave is me
Every rock every wave is you.
we are the sea.

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