Saturday, September 1, 2012

A poem form the past.

Absolute strength keeps me for y can see me heart through in and out of my cell..How can I do well when I mix up with hell ..Never know how we can grow ..

Brake melt help soak feel the truth feel the love she is the lust the must the trust the trust..

For me I can see for y whats true can see I am a fool for I see true in y.. Hard stypid trust it goes like lust I cant see true for y to pull through not alone but with y.

Fallen snow y will never know how y go through yr goal for y are snow through the glow white y will never know. .For y will always be snow.

Wind y go always on the go y never leave y are my summer snow we glow for its true what we see what we know crazy love crazy we will always come we will always go y never say yes you never say no y just go y come y live y show y trust y love y come y go ..How y will never but always know whats me is true I see what is now and forever eternal now for tomorrow is yesterday s today..

On each others shoulders keeping what we love about weeping to love to cry to die to cry phoenix never and always cry for y light the sky light sun night unite .

For y are sea y are my past what I was meant to be y staid through a rebirth true earth true rebirth.

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