Saturday, September 1, 2012

I think therefore i am not.

To become one with everyone you must feel inside the sun.Improve yourself every second in any way focus on how you want to be ,who you would like on the mirror to see,its all you and if you're not happy you will not be free..
Look inside there is always only you find and be one with you.You will then connect and find all that is equal to 2.
Take all the time  needed to focus, to feel, to enjoy, to cry.There is no time its an endless sea united with her she is me .Now is always never ending always changing remaining Free.
Imagine what it would be to create all you see,imagine for a start and you will truly feel smart.A creator of all a creator as far as you can go ,how deep is the rabbit hole as deep as you will test the fall.
Gather all the beauty inside feel complete internally to become complete externally.
Share all that makes you fell beauty, share all that makes you happy not only the sad not only the bad.
Enjoy nature any chance you have ,green ,wind ,sun,sand,water and you will replenish of every care.
Test you're smell,taste,touch,sound and look focus on them every one and united has the potential of truly being.

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