Monday, October 8, 2012


Inside crying there is always one thing never dying truth is love.
A Phoenix born this time is dying.
How does any man go blind?So blind he forgets what he lost in order to ever dare once again get up and find.
Above the sky there is only one eye looking down braking injustice taking its own.
Find that eye and you will eventually brake all chains to ones life lies.
Brake through your mind there is nothing else.Blind the time that has gone is burned,blown and time to go forth.

A thousand words to be heard .A thousand times to be said ,whats all the fuss when will we be fed. Continuous shaping ,learning,yearning,falling and mind flying.

Why did i ever wake up? when did i ever sleep?Twisting mind what do you always seek?what are you always trying to find?Let me loose myself to find suddenly i am  someone else being dragged once again dragging me and myself.
Welcome time,would you like a sip of my wine?Keeping through every individual human line drinking slowly the finest of its kind.Lasting forever but never staying still growing always and being born making minds always turn.
So enjoy you're wine we are all just a fine white line.

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