Monday, October 8, 2012

sons of our kinds (poem)

When alone naked in the truth of our own everlasting youth nothing to see no where to be,rest is at our hand we must face what we run most from .our truth.Look into nothing as you can only feel something,what is there ?when there's nothing to be anywhere? You.

Fallen snow you will never know how you go through your're goal ,for you are snow through the glow white you will never know ,for you will be always snow .
Wind you go always on the go,you never leave you are my summer snow.We glow for its true what we see ,what we know crazy love crazy we will always come we will always go.You never say yes,you never say no ,you just go, you come, you live, you show, you trust,you love.How will you always know what is me is true,I see what is now and forever eternal now for tomorrow is yesterday today.

Warm full of life we are born and we die.Not a reason to cry nothing does ever die as hard as we try to keep up with the sky it is always too high for us to reach.Why?is it all a lie?
Just try and see why the sky is always too high as far as you meet your eye will never understand that there is no such thing as a sky too far from you.
Why should we hide for it is us who decide whats true and whats a lie .
So many lives so many minds we are the true sons of our kinds .

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